Finally. Financial happiness at your fingertips.

PictureWealth helps you get your money matters optimised – quickly and easily.

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PictureWealth is taking care of you, come rain or shine!

Our Manifesto:

PictureWealth believes in protecting and enhancing the personal and financial health of everyone we interact with

We are a people first company where you, our client, sits at the centre of everything we do. By putting technology to work, we empower you to build your wealth picture, then assist you to improve that picture by delivering financial clarity, education and customised advice.

By providing access to on-demand financial experts across wealth and insurance, we have blended professional human knowledge with the digital world, to optimise outcomes for our members.

Your unique software experience allows you to connect to your financial data, which has been otherwise invisible, then take action to make informed decisions and improve.

All delivered with the human touch.

We welcome you.

Do you know what your lifetime income will be?

Use the sliders to adjust your age and income to find out:


By retirement age (67 in Australia), you will have earned


And you will have contributed ? to your superannuation.

fliq calculator

That’s a lot of money. PictureWealth can help you make the best of it.

How can PictureWealth help you?

We help you understand and manage your money in three simple steps:

Picture your wealth

Picture your wealth

A picture paints a thousand words.

We help you paint your financial picture by organising all your money matters in one place.

Your Welfie (Wealth + Selfie) shows you your big picture.

You can drill down into more detailed pictures – even as far as individual transactions.

Improve your wealth

Improve your wealth

We believe in empowering you with trusted, relevant financial information. We help you improve your wealth by providing personalised actions and insights based on your financial profile. We highlight gaps and opportunities where you could get more from your money.

Enjoy your wealth

Enjoy your wealth

We guide you through setting goals and help you make the positive changes required to achieve your dreams, giving you the peace of mind of knowing your money is well organised.


Your big picture

Your Welfie is a wealth selfie – a snap shot of your finances at a moment in time. It gives you a single picture of everything that’s happening with your money matters at the highest level: your income, cash flow, net worth, superannuation, insurance and estate planning.

Your details

You can drill down into the details of each section of your Welfie. Understand what’s driving your numbers at the lowest levels. Track and adjust your pictures to help you achieve what’s important to you.

Your insights

Learn about how you can organise and optimise your money. Your activity feed will update you with alerts and tips, while your reports will teach you specifically about your finances.

Your big picutre
The details
Your insights

What our customers say around the globe…

Why hasn’t anybody ever told me that I can refinance my mortgage and save myself money??? Thank you Future Penny from the bottom of my heart for making my budget so much less stressful!

Daniela Swenson, 29, School teacher

We’re in your corner!

DamienDamien (34) reached his financial goal!
EmmaEmma (29) just understood how to save 20% more
ChrisChris (42) just realised he’s not saving enough for retirement!
LenaLena (30) just realised she spends way too much on late night drinks
AliceAlice (42) has happily planned out a comfortable retirement
JackJack (32) finally has all of his financial and insurance data in one place
RoxyRoxy (39) feels like her family finances are under control
BertBert (34) has planned his estate and can track his net worth

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